Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl Sunday

Well, since the Saints missed their chance, and I don't really care about the Giants or the Patriots(again!!), the Superbowl in not big on my list for today. Will be turning down party invites and staying home, who makes an appointment for a fasting blood test for 6am the day after the Superbowl, oh yes, that would be Gary. Easier to have an early dinner and stay in than make him look at food and watch other people eating it.

My other observation for today: hot flashes do not make ironing an easy or enjoyable task.

But after I am done, and the sweat is wiped from my brow, I will spend this super day stitching and maybe watching the Flyers game instead of football! Pac & Jet won't care, as long as there is a lap to sit on, they won't mind what's on the TV.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day

Okay, I will admit it, I am in a hurry for spring to get here. I wore my flips to the farmers market this afternoon. Yes, I know it is February in PA, but I don't care. I hate shoes more than I hate cold feet, so I think I am going to put my shoes and socks away for this season. Already I am looking forward to treating myself to some decent flips, as soon as my self-imposed spending freeze is over on March 1st. Old Navy is nice for cheap variety, but my poor old feet have earned something with a bit of support, maybe some nice Merrills, will be checking at LL Bean and Cabellas in one short month! Hmmmm, I think I see a shopping plan taking shape . . .

After another night of crap sleep, I managed to drag myself out of bed before Gary came home at lunch to check on me. Will I ever have a night of sleep that is not interrupted by chest pain and sweats? Well maybe, if the acupuncturist works for me. At this point, I will try anything. Anyway, after the farmers market run, I have settled myself in the kitchen to stitch on Eiffel Quaker and look out the window at the bird feeder. Not much action going on out there lately, all the birds were apparently smart enough to winter elsewhere. The pic I am sharing is from last season, a grosbeak came to visit, didn't hang around long, so I am thankful to have had the chance to take their photo.

In closing, this is what my corner of the world looked like last Groundhog Day, happy we did not get a repeat of that today, especially since the little rodent did see his shadow

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Winter ? ? ?

Gosh, it is amazing how much better I feel on a nice day.
The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the temperatures are not at all winter-like. Oh, I know that can change in an awful hurry--and it likely will, but til it does, I and the little dogs will take full advantage. Hope it remains nice tomorrow as well, for my trip to the new allergy doctor. Even though it is close by, I hate going to the big hospital campus for appointments, it is a maze of buildings and there are never any parking spaces in the same county as the complex I need to visit. But then again, if this guy can make me feel better, I will seriously walk across hot coals to get there. Hot coals can't be any worse than not being able to breathe and feeling like I have the flu every day.

No pictures of Eiffel Quaker to share just yet, want to put a few more stitches in it before I get out the camera.
Better get to it.

Enjoy some sun, be happy

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, Monday

Not much post-worthy activity going on this past week, had a few health issues that took away strength and motivation for anything but resting. Hope this coming week will be better!

I did manage to cheer on my friend Kay as she took two of her sweet puppies to their first show, with awesome results.
Just love those little dogs!

Except for the beads, I also have another Christmas ornament finish, LHN Silent Night.

Stitching this week will be on Jardin Prive Eiffel Quaker. Stitching and thinking back on my time in Paris, blissful way to spend this sunny Monday.

Be well, be happy!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Winter Weekend

Snow this weekend, not alot, just enough to be a mess. Thoughtful Tony shoveled all our walks while Gary was at work. I spent my days cooking, stitching and watching football. Gary went to a concert with Kevin tonight, so I sat in front of the fire and put some stitches into LHN Silent Night. Wish I could be watching the Saints playing but the 49ers vs Giants game was good right up to the last play. No big plans for the upcoming week, no appointments scheduled, so I can plan to give all my attention to stitching and thinking about redecorating the living room when spring arrives. I have been enjoying looking at Shabby French styles, I think I can make that work, although I might question my thought process as it relates to white furniture when one has dogs.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I would be so pleased if my paragraphs did not disappear as soon as I hit publish! Why is this, I wonder??

Looks like snow!

Mother Nature really is confused this winter. Since the Halloween weekend storm (when we were without power for 25 hours) there has been a few snowflakes, but nothing at all wintry. Tonight there is to be a quick clipper system passing thru, no big deal, but then tomorrow night into Saturday, we are to get some real, get out the shovel, snowfall. Doesn't much matter to me, since I can stay home and not have to venture out at all, but of course, this would be Gary's weekend to work. Hopefully the storm doesn't amount to much, nothing worse than being scheduled to work on a Saturday, and then having nothing to do. Fingers are crossed that no matter how much falls, it is not enough to scare away his customers. Made a quick run to the Farmers Market this afternoon, visited all my favorite stands, to stock up for the weekend. Will be having some Buffalo Chicken tonight, courtesy of Mr. Bill's Plain & Fancy Poultry, that has to be my favorite store of them all. Always such tasty things, and the nicest folks work there, I love shopping where people know my name. Not alot of stitching to share, the frog came to visit. Very happy that my mistake was able to be corrected with a minimum of effort and no lasting damage, but it did serve to put a damper on my stitching enthusiasm. I will share a snap of Silent Night with my next post. Stay warm and be happy!